
Přednáška Dr. Ralf Fellenberg – Aspects of Funding of Materials Research in Germany

Publikováno: 19. 03. 2018

Ústav materiálového inženýrství Fakulty strojní ČVUT v Praze, vás zve jménem prof. RNDr. Petra Špatenky, CSc. na přednášku, která se bude konat 22. března 2018 od 16.00 hodin  na Fakultě strojní ČVUT v Praze, Karlovo náměstí 13, místnost A-320.

Přednášet bude Dr. Ralf Fellenberg z VDI Technology Center GmbH, Düsseldorf (Specialist research funding – nanotechnology and materials technologies. Promoter of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research) na téma "Aspects of Funding of Materials Research in Germany".

Přednáška proběhne v angličtině bez tlumočení.


Aspects of Funding of Materials Research in Germany
Ralf Fellenberg; VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH, Duesseldorf, Germany
Corresponding author e-mail:

Materials play a key role in all industrial branches and are thus of high economic relevance. The new High-Tech Strategy of the federal government stands for the aim of moving Germany forward on its way to becoming a worldwide innovation leader. The goal is for good ideas to be translated quickly into innovative products. Innovative solutions strengthen Germany's position as a leading industrial nation. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has exposed that an effective funding of new materials supports the industrial challenges. That’s why a new funding program is running since 2014. It is the basis of an industrial collaborative research for new materials including surfaces.

New materials help to increase the efficiency of solar cells and power plants, enable green cars and electric mobility or offer improved medical care by means of new diagnostic and therapeutical methods. Successful innovations in material science require cooperation of different disciplines and a high degree of networking between business and science. The new research program “From Materials to Innovation” of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research [1] sets the essential Framework conditions to transform promising material developments as quickly as possible into competitive technologies and products.
This presentation will focus on the challenges and opportunities of the new 10-year materials research funding program, including the strengthening of German industrial competitiveness, the consideration of the societal challenges, the increase of the intensity of R&D in companies, the development of industrial and academic expertise in materials technology, and production processes and the qualification of young scientific researchers. A special focus will be the support of small and medium enterprises.

Some examples of funding projects concerning surface technologies will be given. [2]
