Transportation, Aerospace and Handling Technology
What will you learn?
As graduates of this field you will become highly qualified experts for development and construction of all machines, particularly
for transport, aerospace, handling and manufacturing machines and mechatronic systems. You will be able to analyse and specify
a design problem, creatively propose concept solutions, perform detailed design and optimal sizing of equipment or machinery
to determine its lifetime and reliability.
You can choose the specialization in motor vehicles, engines, rail vehicles, aerospace and transport technology.
When working on the construction projects and diploma thesis will you have the opportunity to collaborate on topics set by manufacturing companies and to participate in projects of real vehicles, aircraft structures and components.
Future career
You can find suitable jobs as research developers, leading designers and planners or managing test engineers in the field of road, off-road and rail vehicles, in the area of transport, construction and agricultural machinery, in the field of aerospace, aircraft structures and air traffic and in piston combustion engines of vehicle, ship, aircraft and energy and aircraft turbine engines.