
Department of Manufacturing Technology

CZ   / EN  


The Department of Manufacturing Technology (DMT) educates and performs research activities, namely in forming, casting, welding and surface treatment. It also focuses on teaching other advanced technical disciplines – plastics and composites processing, metallography, technical diagnostics, tribology, computer aid and manufacturing technology and also the issue of standardization and quality control. As a support in teaching are used various types of destructive and non-destructive tests for evaluation of process and product quality.

In its educational field the DMT provides lectures in all study programmes from the bachelor study programme – field of study “Production and Economics in Engineering“ and “Fundamentals in Mechanical Engineering”, master study programme for bachelor graduates – field of study “Production and materials Engineering“ and the doctoral study programme – field of study “Manufacturing Technology“. The aim of these study programmes is to train young and prospective graduates in the field of manufacturing technology, who will be available to enterprises which require experts with this specific orientation.

Among various other activities of the department are special training courses and courses for the public. There are also various economical activities aimed at industrial subjects with which the department cooperates in a number of joint projects.