Center of Advanced Aerospace Technology (CAAT)
The Center of Advanced Aerospace Technology (CAAT) is supported from ESIF, EU Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (project number CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000826). Since October 2016, CAAT engages in research of simulation degradation processes of individual components and their influence on the functionality of engines and aircraft structure parts. The Center actively participates in the experimental development of the new turboprop engine and their assembly into functional unit in the power category reaching parameters which exceed current engine concept, including finding new materials and new production processes, installation and maintenance of components and components for aircraft engines and structures.
Together with the partner institution Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Brno University of Technology, CAAT brings
together over 100 experts across disciplinary fields with strong track record in the area of aerospace and aeronautics research.
National Competence Centre for Aeronautics and Space (NaCCAS)
The aim of the project coordinated by the Technical University of Brno is to support the effective use of research and development infrastructure and know-how for the needs of applied research in aviation and cosmonautics in the Czech Republic, connecting research institutions with important industrial partners to support direct knowledge transfer and researched technologies in industrial applications. NCK partners are Brno University of Technology, AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s., Compo Tech PLUS, s. r.o., Czech Technical University in Prague, Galaxy GRS s.r.o., GE Aviation Czech s.r.o., Roko Airplanes s.r.o., UNIS, a.s., VR Group, a.s., and Czech Aerospace Research Centre, a.s.
Czech Advanced Robotic Systemfor Servicing, Exploration and Resources Exploitation (CZARM)
This proposal assembles skilled and diverse team with one purpose – to study and propose the application of advanced robots
that brings the highest possible benefits to future Czech and European efforts in space. Project partners are L.K.Engineering
s.r.o. (coordinator), Frentech Aerospace s.r.o., 5M s.r.o., BD SENSORS s.r.o., ČVUT v Praze a THALES ALENIA SPACE ITALIA
SPA. Projekt je ve fázi evaluace v rámci ITT2-Ambitious Projects for Czech Republic: Phase 0/A/B1 Studies (Activity Type
AMBER - innovAtive deMonstrator for hyBrid-Electric Regional application
Funded by: HORIZON.2.5.7 - Clean, Safe and Accessible Transport and Mobility
AMBER Project ref. Grant Agreement-101102020-AMBER
Project start: 1 January 2023
Project end: 31 March 2026
A hybrid-electric propulsion system for regional aircraft is seen as a promising step towards achieving a more sustainable
aviation industry. To address the challenge of climate change, the EU-funded AMBER project will seek to mature, integrate
and validate key technologies necessary for a megawatt-class hybrid electric propulsion system powered by hydrogen fuel cells.
This will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fuel burn by at least 50 % compared to 2020 state-of-the-art regional
aircraft. AMBER recognises the importance of regional aviation in leading the way towards sustainability and achieving ambitious
environmental goals. The project is a step towards decarbonising aviation and reducing pollutant emissions.
Consortium: GE Avio S.r.l. (Coordinator), General Electric Aviation Advanced Technology Garching Deutschland Holding GmbH,
GE Aviation Czech SRO, General Electric Company Polska Sp. z o.o., H2FLY GmbH, Leonardo S.p.A., GE Marmara Technology Center
Muhendislik Hizmetleri Limited Sirketi, Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali (C.I.R.A.) S.C.p.A., Deutsches Zentrum fuer
Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V., VZLU Výzkumný a
zkušební letecký ústav, a.s., Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME CVUT), Politecnico
di Bari, Politecnico di Torino, Università di Pisa, WIA Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation, AM Testing
S.r.l., Dream Innovation S.r.l., Ergon Research S.r.l., NTI Engineering S.r.l., GE Aviation Systems Limited.
Within NaCCAS CTU in Prague coordinates the following individual projects:
- Experimental evaluation of residual stress relaxation due to operational loading in different materials that are being used in turbo-propeller turbine wheel. Project partners: GE Aviation Czech s.r.o., Czech Aerospace Research Centre, a.s.
- Advanced Composite Technologies for Small Airplanes (1 and 2). Project partner: Compo Tech PLUS, spol. s r.o.
- Oil Cooler. Project partner: GE Aviation Czech s.r.o.
EIT Manufacturing
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an EU body created by the European Union in 2008 with funds from
the EU’s Framework Programme Horizon 2020 for business, education and research development. Whole EIT brings together
more than 1500 partners, who are divided into 8 sector-oriented communities. Since 2018 the EIT Manufacturing belongs amongst
them as well. Its main focus is to promote innovation in European manufacturing sector and aims to increase its global competitiveness,
sustainability, and productivity. Apart from the direct project opportunities EIT Manufacturing facilitates also various possibilities
for development of profound international cooperation. EIT Manufacturing establishes an innovation community and is building
a network of ecosystems where people can acquire skills and find opportunities; and where innovators are able to attract investors.
FME is actively participating in several projects, more information here.
PROCRAFT - PROtection and Conservation of Heritage AirCRAFT
The project is supported under the Joint Programme Cultural Heritage - Conservation, Protection and Use, under EU Horizon 2020, project duration: 2.11.2020 – 1.11.2023. The aim of the project is to create innovative procedures and solutions for each key step in aircraft conservation, including tailored techniques of conservation-restoration, smart coatings for outdoor protection respecting the requirements of cultural heritage safeguard, innovative solutions for preventive conservation in confined or semi-confined environments, and the development of guidelines for Al alloys restoration and conservation for non-professional actors. The engagement of the CASR team in the project includes the use of mathematical models (especially reduced CFD models) in the analysis of the impact of the environment on the life of aircraft components, ii) sensors, and iii) processing of large data. Members of the consortium are: GPLA – Arc’Antique (Coordinator) – France, University of Ferrara - Italy, Czech Technical University in Prague - Czech Republic, CNRS - Centre d'élaboration de matériaux et d'études structurales – France, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna – Italy.
Planned projects currently under evaluation:
Large Research Infrastructure – Advanced AeroSpace Technologies
LRI-AAST (Advanced AeroSpace Technologies) is a newly proposed distributed large research infrastructure built around the
existing core facilities and laboratories of FME CTU (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague),
IAE BUT (Institute of Aerospace engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology) and VZLU (Aerospace
Research and Test Establishment). The LRI-AAST consists of 8 laboratories that are already fully operational and during the
next period will be maintained and modernized to up to date competitiveness. These laboratories provide resources and services
for interdisciplinary research in aerospace and aeronautic.
The Czech Science Foundation – fundamental research projects:
- Improved mechanical properties of machine components using 3D printing technology
- Self-control of construction morphing using temperature actuator based on shape memory alloys