
Department of Designing and Machine Components

CZ   / EN  

Research Activities

Professional activities of the Department of Designing and Machine Components can be divided into four major disciplines. They are design, calculations, experiments and training. In the sphere of application, the department among other things, focuses on transport, agricultural and construction equipment and machinery for mining and mineral processing


Cooperation with reputable companies on long-term projects, medium-term tasks and short-term contracts.

Test stand for transmissions for rail vehicles

Between 2012 and 2013 our department implemented a project for the test stand for testing transmissions for rail vehicles. The project was implemented for the company Wikov MGI a.s.. with the support of the project of Ministry of Industry and Trade to support research and development TIP no. FR-TI3/261. The purpose of the device is carrying the load into gear at specified load conditions. Before the final form of the device was established, there were several ideas and conceptual designs consulted with the client during the project. After selecting the appropriate concept followed detailed design of the entire device, its optimization supported by FEM calculations of supporting nodes and modal analysis of the structure. When being designed the equipment was, based on an assessment of potential security risks, equipped with the necessary safety features to ensure safety.

Preparation of production documentation and production equipment itself then proceeded directed the client of the project Wikov MGI a.s.

Construction of test equipment for electrohydraulic systems

Between 2014 and 2015 our department was working on building hydraulic unit for the company STS Prachatice a.s. Implementation of the contract took place on the basis of a successful public tender. The device is controlled by a control PC with specially developed software used for the testing of electrohydraulic systems. Design of hydraulic and electrical part of the unit was carried out in collaboration with experts from the Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering and Production Machines and Equipment. The unit was designed in the laboratories of our Department with respect to its ergonomics, preparation of drawings, ensuring the production and construction of the entire device.


We focus on designing whole machines or parts of mechanisms. Optimization of existing facilities, modernization of equipment, design of new machines and yet not used mechanisms.

Our staff carries out the design of structures according to client requirements. Ideas and conceptual designs are continuously consulted with the client. Some parts of the project may be processed within the Bachelor or Master thesis of our students.

We offer:

  • complete design of the product from ideas and proposals through analytical and FEM calculations and we also provide the production and construction equipment,
  • preparation of conceptual designs in the form of sketches and 3D models,
  • elaboration of production and technical documentation,
  • mediation of production.

For the area of structural activities we have commercial licenses of CAD software Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks and SolidEdge.


Calculations for the design of the mechanism, design of elements, verification calculations, verification procedures. Conventional analytical methods, numerical computing, using software (e.g. FEM).

VIn the field of calculation, we focus primarily on the design calculations, i.e. design calculations of dimensions of proposed components or assemblies, both analytical calculations and FEM calculations. We also perform calculations as the basis for the design of experiments or computations and verification to verify the previously measured experimental data.


Two main filed - testing mechanisms and experimental analysis. Test equipment equipment for transmissions, brakes and clutches. Extensive experimental analysis, e.g. tensometric gauging.

In the experimental area, our Department offers to design appropriate approach and methodology for testing and experimental analysis, assembly of measuring equipment and to carry out the desired measurements. The measurement results are then presented in the form of reports of measurements with a commentary. Experiment or tests may be carried as the customer wishes either in their or our laboratory.

We offer:

  • tensometric measurements,
  • measuring properties of hydraulic systems,
  • measuring properties of clutches and brakes,
  • further experiments according to the agreement.


Training can be provided in the field of technical documentation on the following topics:

  • Introduction to GPS (Geometrical Product Specifications) - What is GPS;
  • Why is it introduced;
  • What are the differences compared to the time when the GPS was not introduced (in general);
  • The principle of independence X envelope system (ČSN ISO 8015: 2008);
  • Matrix model GPS (ISO 14638).
  • Tolerance in dimensions, ISO code system - tolerance system CSN EN ISO 286:2011.
  • General tolerances - CSN ISO 2768-1a2; CSN EN ISO 8062-1a3:2008
  • Tolerance in castings - CSN P CEN ISO/TS 8062-3:2015; ISO 8062-4: 2014
  • Modifiers for tolerancing linear dimensions - EN ISO 14405-1:2011.
  • Modifiers for tolerancing angular dimensions - CSN ISO 14405-3:2015.
  • Marking surface texture - EN ISO 1302:2002.
  • Prescription of deviations in form and position - Geometric Tolerance (GT) – CSN EN ISO 1101:2014.
  • Introduction into geometric tolerances - why is it introduced; Each GT (shape, position, location, ...); position tolerance (dimensioning and calculation). Applications on the flanges; Modifiers for tolerances (CZ, ACS, ...);
  • Condition for maximums and minimums of material - CSN EN ISO 2692:2007.
  • Tolerance of functional cones and prisms - CSN EN ISO 1119:2012; 2538-1a2 ISO:2014.
  • Ambiguity X unambiguity inputs (EN ISO 14405-2:2012). Tolerating non-linear dimensions.
  • Geometric tolerancing - Bases and the base system (CSN EN ISO 5459:2012). Removing DOF (degrees of invariance); Base, base system, common base; The order of bases 3-2-1 rule;
  • Targeted bases (movable, immovable).
  • Marking of connecting material (screws, nuts ...).

Contact person:

Ing. Karel PETR, Ph.D.


MBtech Bohemia s.r.o., PRAHA - ISO GPS školení
Evektor, spol. s r.o., KUNOVICE - ISO GPS školení
Robert Bosch, spol. s.r.o. - ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE - ISO GPS školení
BENTELER Distribution Czech Republic, spol. s r.o., Dobříš - ISO GPS školení